ME, in a nutshell...
Hello! I’m Rebekah Daniels.
I love to read, and I love to write! What kind of author would I be if I didn’t? I’m going to let you in on a little secret though. Growing up, I hated to read. My parents made me read, book reports were always put off as long as I could, and I actually looked at books with distain. Admittedly, I was always curious what people saw in them, but I didn’t get it.
Ok, this is going to seem cliché, but when the Twilight Series became popular and all my female co-workers were reading the books, I bought the first book to try it out. I was baffled. I didn’t realize that something written on paper could keep my interest so much. Of course, I had to get the next one, and the one after that, and of course the one after that. When they were over, I didn’t know what to do. It was then that I found historical romance novels, and was blown away. From there, I realized how many years I had wasted by not appreciating the world inside the pages of a book. I was unstoppable after that, reading every type of genre not caring if the book was new or years old.
While in High School and College, I would write stories that were in my head, but I would throw them away when I was done. It was just a way to get the story out of my head to make room for another one. I hadn’t written in years, but once I started to read, the stories came back. That time, when I finally started to put them down on paper, I didn’t throw them away. I kept them, put them together, and made an even bigger exciting story. That was the birth of Celestial Beginnings, and the start of the Nephilim Series that has become a monumental part of my life.
Besides being an author, I am also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and so on. I love my family like nothing else on this planet. They are my rocks, big and small. My house is filled with so much love, but also a large amount of jokes, pranks, teasing and more. It is never boring, to say the least. I am addicted to sweets, books, good movies, being a very loud Sports Mom, and the occasional “Me Time” that I get. I absolutely hate being cold… and tuna; can’t stand tuna.
My mind is constantly spinning with plots, scenes, characters. I like to joke that I have multiple voices inside my head that are just begging to get out. Everyday, I am working to get great books out to as many people as I can.
If you want to contact me for any reason; to ask a question, yell at me, or just to talk, there are multiple ways to get a hold of me. Everywhere is listed at the bottom of the page. If you would like to subscribe to my mailing list, just shoot me an email with the subject, “Make Me a Nephilim in Training.” Have a good day, and I hope to hear from you. Happy Reading, Everyone!!